Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog, Blog, Why do I Blog?

Seriously, i have a fairly boring life.
I figured out the cute, funny kid i sit next to in seminary is 14. I turn 18 in exactly 1 month. Yeah, no hope there.
Not that exciting.
I am reading a chapter book with pictures in it. Pathetic. (haha. Jut kidding. Its a very good book regardless of how childish i feel reading it)
Tessa is having a Harry Potter half day tomorrow.
I have a physics test.
Oh, and i complain about being so tured but what do i do?
Come home from school, watch hours of a show, dilly dally through my homework then blog about my nothing life.
Then complain about complaining. Heh.
I just wish something great would happen.  (dont want to jinx myself)
On a brighter note, our AC is fixed! The summer is almost over and just today does our air conditioner get fixed. But it feels heavenly.

      Lots Of Love,

Monday, August 22, 2011

A Happy Rant

Ive been spending alot of my time lately thinking about the story i am going to write. I love it so much! it makes me so happy! I mean, i know this story is just my own imagination but it still fills me with sucj joy and happiness!
I think to myself, "how could two people love each other so much!?"
Then i remember that they are not real. But even this though doesnt bring me down!
Striving for such a goal as writing a novel brings me hope.
Oh Ambition! How i have missed you!
Even school is great. Never before have i loved an English class so much. And i am not an english person! I love science! (still do. No worries there) And Ashley, a dear friend, has been bringing me joy. I cannot wait for my temple trip with her and Tessa.
I cannot, also, wait to visit Tessa's mom! She is the sweetest lady and now she is getting baptized and i am so excited! someone else out there will soon feel the joy i have all the time.
Plus i love the City so i am excited to return there(:
Family is great too. They bring me happiness as well. Catch Phrase with the fam? Score!
And one more thing. This show, Lie to Me, (better then it sounds!) has been making me happy too. This very cute episode i just watched inspired me to come write this post.
Here is a song that is from the show and will also be incorporated into my book. I love it! so cute!

            Lots Of Love,

Thursday, August 18, 2011

A Marley Moment

So today, was a weird day. Things happened to me today that never happen to anyone (with the exception of book and movie characters).
Anyways, to the point. Today was a fairly good day. School=bearable+some good moments. After school= ...
So when i got home from school, Mom said she would fill mar car with gas since i was going to pick Elise up from school. This, was a process. No gas pump would work. So we switched gas stations. Ended up driving away with out my gas cap.
"But Erin, how is this a 'Marley Moment'?"
Alright. Alright. So i brought Samuel, my overly excited dog, a yellow lab, might i add, with me to pick Elise up. He is a very good companion to ride in the car with shockingly. So i sit and read my book,waiting for Elise to come out. At this point, i am in a very good mood despite my poor gas station experience. We chat and enjoy the ride until Sam decides to throw a fit. So i rerolled the window down and continue to chat. 
But suddenly, Sam's paws are over the edge of the window! I flip out and Elise shoves him back in the car. Phew! Day saved, right?
Yeah, guess again.
Moments later, Elise starts screaming, "Pooping! Pooping! Sam is pooping!"
Samuel pooped in the backseat of my car.
It smelled.
So i rolled down all of the windows, all of the way. And just as we roll up to stoplight and stop, tears rolling from our eyes from the stench, we see Samuel hop out of the car's window.
Backstory time!
So i did not eat dinner last night and all i had eaten this day by this point is a granola bar and some gold fishies. And 44oz of Coke.
So i get a little shaky at this point. But the light turns green and i turn the corner and park off to the side of the road, with my flashers on. Elise bolts out of the car and heads for Sam, who is merrily finishing his business.
I, however, do not know this. I start to cry, believing my poor dog may have run into traffic. So i call my mom. (what else are you supposed to do when you are shaking from fear and lack of food?)
After a minute of my mom consoling me and convincing me to calm down and tell her what happened, Elise comes back to the car and puts Sam in the backseat again (windows up).
So i tell my mom what has happened and the most unexpected thing happened.
I laughed.
And laughed and laughed.
She could barely understand at this point so i repeat myself.
"He POOPED Mom! He POOPED in Tessa's hat! In her hat!"
After another ten minutes in the parking lot of me trying to regain control, we drive home.
And while cleaning up the poop was a process (i mean, this could be a story all in its own), i will refrain from telling that story.
So i bought some Free breeze and ate some food and i decided it was a pretty good day. I mean, it was crazy and freaky, but this is a good story, right?
All i had to do was change my perspective and it was a great day(:

So wish me luck that tomorrow my car will no longer smell of canine feces!

     Lots Of Love,

Sunday, August 14, 2011

An Uplifting Sunday

     Well first, I'd like to get my rant out of the way for today. I really hate when people dont capitalize things in their titles. I know, I know. It shouldnt be that big of a deal. It just bothers me.
     Anyway, today, has been an uplifting day. I have really been lacking the... lack of a better phrase, spiritual drive that Ive needed lately. But i decided to fast today to hopefully boost this back up and BAM! It worked. I have received the answers that i have been seeking, got a lot of personal progress done, and got set apart in my first offical church calling ever. woah.
     I am now the Ray 3rd ward's newest activity days leader. While I did have a very long, very well thought out rant for this one, I have decided to just accept the calling and be happy. (thanks to this beautiful Sunday.) 
     Only the Lord knows whats best for us.

     I know this is just the first post ans that its not super exciting, but I promise I am going to try my very best to post more and be more entertaining.

                     Lots of Love,