Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blog, Blog, Why do I Blog?

Seriously, i have a fairly boring life.
I figured out the cute, funny kid i sit next to in seminary is 14. I turn 18 in exactly 1 month. Yeah, no hope there.
Not that exciting.
I am reading a chapter book with pictures in it. Pathetic. (haha. Jut kidding. Its a very good book regardless of how childish i feel reading it)
Tessa is having a Harry Potter half day tomorrow.
I have a physics test.
Oh, and i complain about being so tured but what do i do?
Come home from school, watch hours of a show, dilly dally through my homework then blog about my nothing life.
Then complain about complaining. Heh.
I just wish something great would happen.  (dont want to jinx myself)
On a brighter note, our AC is fixed! The summer is almost over and just today does our air conditioner get fixed. But it feels heavenly.

      Lots Of Love,


  1. Honey, there is a Chinese proverb------"may you live and interesting life" or even better watch the movie "My dinner with Andrea". You'll have fun in a couple of weeks when you get here, I promise. Love you honey

  2. One reason for blogging is its the highlight of my day!...
